Macon-Bibb Democratic Party Calls for Unity in Wake of Biden Withdrawal post thumbnail

MACON, GA – In light of President Joe Biden’s announcement this afternoon that he is withdrawing from the 2024 presidential race, the Macon-Bibb Democratic Committee is calling for all Democrats to come together in a spirit of unity to protect our freedom and democracy in this critical election.

“President Biden’s legacy of restoring decency and competence to the White House will endure,” said Jaylan Scott, Chair of the Macon-Bibb Democratic Committee. “In this moment, it is more important than ever that Democrats unite behind our shared values and our unwavering commitment to defending the principles that make America great. We will be ready to support the nominee that the Democratic National Committee chooses to carry our party’s banner forward.”

With the presidential election just months away, the Macon-Bibb Democratic Committee urges local Democrats to remain focused on supporting Democratic candidates up and down the ballot who will fight for working families, expand access to healthcare and education, tackle the climate crisis, and safeguard our democratic institutions from Republican attacks.

“The stakes in this election could not be higher,” Scott said. “While Democrats are fighting to protect the freedom and rights of every American, Republicans are working to undermine our democracy and roll back the clock on progress. Now is the time for us to put aside any differences, come together as one party and one people, and work relentlessly to elect Democrats at every level of government who share our vision for a more just, more prosperous, and more democratic America.”

The Macon-Bibb Democratic Committee will be mobilizing volunteers and launching an aggressive get-out-the-vote effort in the months ahead.

Contact: Jaylan Scott, Chair  Macon-Bibb Democratic Committee
