The Urgency of Now: A fight for Democracy post thumbnail

By: Floyd Griffin – July 15, 2024


As a former Georgia State Senator, Mayor of Milledgeville, and Vietnam helicopter pilot, I bring decades of experience and a steadfast commitment to democracy and women’s rights in our beloved state of Georgia. I am not simply a contender for Georgia House District 149 but a strong proponent of the fundamental values that form the foundation of our society. I have solemnly sworn into office on nine occasions, serving as a military officer, a senator, and a mayor. I stand poised and eager to take the tenth oath in January 2025.


The upcoming November elections hold immense significance for the future of Georgia. Governor Brian Kemp’s public targeting of the race (according to the AJC & Georgia Recorder) in Georgia House District 149 underscores the importance he places on winning it and the potential consequences for constituents if Republicans were to increase their power. His endorsement of my Republican opponent, coupled with a substantial financial pledge, poses a direct challenge to the democratic values that we hold dear.


Governor Kemp’s strategic focus on this race is a clear indicator of his desire to consolidate power and influence within the state. By publicly targeting Georgia House District 149, he is signaling the critical nature of this contest and his potential future ambitions. A Republican victory in this district would give more power towards harmful policies, rather than healing ones.


As Democrats, Republicans and Independents, we cannot afford to underestimate the significance of local races like the one in this district. While the national spotlight often shines on high-profile elections, it is at the local level where policies are crafted, decisions are made, and the daily lives of constituents are directly impacted. The decisions made in our state capital resonate profoundly on critical issues such as women’s rights, civil rights, and democracy for all.


The redrawn boundaries of Georgia House District 149 symbolize a commitment to fair representation for all, particularly for marginalized and underrepresented groups. Therefore, it is imperative that we recognize the gravity of this moment and the impact it could have on the future of our state. Georgia stands as a battleground state where the ideals of democracy and representation are fiercely contested.


We must rise to the challenge posed by Governor Kemp’s targeted efforts in this race. The stakes of this upcoming General election could not be higher, and could not be more crucial, for all of Georgia and the nation. We must reject any attempts to undermine the democratic process and uphold the principles of fairness, equality, and justice that form the bedrock of our society.


I call upon you, my fellow Georgians, to join me in this critical moment of our state’s history.


Your support and most importantly, your vote will be instrumental in our collective effort to safeguard the principles we hold dear. Together, we can push back against division and intolerance and pave the way for a brighter and more inclusive future for all.

Thank you for your unwavering support and commitment.

Floyd Griffin

Democrat Nominee for Georgia House District 149


Phone: (478) 451-9803
